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Desbloquea un mundo de nuevas posibilidades

Suscripción gratuita de 1 año al software educativo mozaBook con la pantalla interactiva Optoma Creative Touch Serie 5**.

mozaBook logo
1 año de suscripción a mozaBook
An IFPD displaying the Mozaik logo.


Optoma y Mozaik han unido sus fuerzas para ofrecerte el mejor contenido educativo. Con cada compra de una pantalla plana interactiva (IFPD) Optoma Serie 5, recibirás una suscripción gratuita de 1 año a mozaBook al registrarte.**

Esta potente plataforma educativa proporciona una gran cantidad de recursos interactivos, incluyendo herramientas de pizarra interactiva, cuestionarios y materiales multimedia. Tanto si eres profesor, estudiante o administrador, la combinación de mozaBook y la pantalla Optoma Serie 5 mejorará tu experiencia de aprendizaje. ¿Por qué esperar? Hazte con la pantalla Optoma Serie 5 hoy mismo y desbloquea un mundo de posibilidades educativas con la suscripción incluida de 1 año a mozaBook.

What is mozaBook

mozaBook is a presentation software designed for use on interactive boards in the classroom. Using the software, teachers and students can create presentations and enrich them with interactive 3D scenes, educational videos, images or exercises from the Media Library or with their own files. The software includes a variety of teaching resources, such as thematic applications, games and 3D scenes covering all K-12 subjects, which raise students’ interest and help them better understand the topics.

mozaBook TOOLS

mozaBook includes more than 110 interactive tools and games which serve as visual aids, assist in skill development, and let students perform experiments. The tools can be added to presentations or publications in mozaBook, and are also accessible to students via the mozaWeb online home learning platform. mozaBook are continually developing and adding new tools.


Create spectacular animated presentations and enrich them with videos and 3D scenes. The visual drawing tool has an intuitive user interface, which lets even the youngest students draw playfully, but also makes it easy to construct precise mathematical drawings with the help of built-in rulers, a protractor and compass.

Digital textbooks

Digital textbooks can be used for both classroom presentation and learning at home. They can be opened in mozaBook , in the mozaBook app, online, or on mozaWeb in a browser. Moziak offer numerous digital books in the webshop, but users can also easily create their own interactive books.

When used with our Optoma Creative Touch 5-Series you can interact with your digital textbooks in a whole new way, using touch, gesture, and even voice commands to navigate your content.

Exercise books

You can create your own exercise books within mozaBook. You can write and draw on the pages in exercise books and insert diverse digital content (pictures, videos, audio clips, 3D scenes and exercises). You can create impressive presentations and lesson plans. You can upload your exercise books to your mozaWeb account to make them accessible to others.


Teachers can assign homework from mozaBook and mozaWeb and students can solve the exercises on their own computers or smart devices and submit their answers. Besides worksheets created in the Test editor, teachers can also assign essays as homework.

Mozaik 3D scenes

Introducing Mozaik 3D, the cutting-edge technology that’s revolutionizing the way we interact with visual information. With Mozaik 3D, you can create stunning, interactive 3D models and animations that will capture your audience’s attention and keep them engaged.

The best way to experience Mozaik 3D is by pairing it with an Optoma 5-Series 4K interactive display. Our high-resolution displays offer unparalleled clarity and detail, making every aspect of your Mozaik 3D models come to life.


mozaMap offers interactive atlases that expand the range of tools available for geography and history teachers. Prepare lessons and teach efficiently by using and customising various types of maps and the elements within them.

What is mozaWeb?

Students can access digital books and any interactive content used during lessons on mozaWeb. They can easily acquire knowledge with the help of 3D scenes, videos, interactive exercises and digital lessons. Moreover, they can practise in a playful way with skill-developing and experimental tools and games.

Here they can open presentations made by their teachers and solve online homework as well.

Interactive content

The media library on mozaWeb contains more than 1,200 3D scenes and hundreds of educational videos, pictures, audio files and exercises. With a Mozaik STUDENT or TEACHER licence, users can access all of the content in the media library, including thousands of interactive items organised by school subject.

Digital lessons

Our digital lessons are modern teaching materials that can be used and shared by users with the help of electronic devices. The lessons include numerous interactive items, such as 3D scenes and educational videos, as well as worksheets for practising and revision.

¿Cómo consigo mi suscripción GRATUITA de 1 año?

Una vez que has adquirido tu pantalla plana interactiva Optoma Serie 5, puedes registrarte para obtener su suscripción gratuita de 1 año en cuatro sencillos pasos:


Introduce tus datos y el número de serie de los productos Optoma Serie 5

Registra el número de serie(s)

Recibirás un correo electrónico con la(s) clave(s) de producto de mozaBook


Visita el sitio web de mozaBook y descarga el software mozaBook en cualquier dispositivo Windows:

Sitio web de mozaBook

Utiliza la(s) clave(s) de producto enviada(s) por correo electrónico para registrar tu dispositivo.

**Esta oferta está disponible exclusivamente para instituciones educativas con cada compra de una pantalla plana interactiva Optoma Serie 5. Cada licencia da acceso a un dispositivo y permite un uso ilimitado por parte de los usuarios en ese dispositivo.

A child peeking round from the back of an IFPD running Mozaik software


(Un número de serie por línea)

Compatible products

Experience the benefits of mozaBook education software on Optoma's Creative Touch 5-Series interactive flat panel displays.

Serie 5